Shots to remember
We made this power point to help us learn the types of shots, angles and camera movements. We referred to this when we wanted to create a specific effect in our filming and looked to this to decide what angle etc. to use.
We made this power point to help us learn the types of shots, angles and camera movements. We referred to this when we wanted to create a specific effect in our filming and looked to this to decide what angle etc. to use.
1st draft STORY BOARD
We found that the story board was to complex and difficult that the audience wouldn't understand enough about the film to want to keep watching. We thought that the opening focused to heavily on traditional horror conventions and that we needed to make it more original. So we drafted a new storyboard.
We had a lot of discussions on our script but we felt that to have no dialog in the opening would make the audience slightly uneasy and on edge which is what we would be hoping for.
Equipment needed:
1) large work shovel
2) shoe box
3) china doll
4) matches and lighters
5) big bottle of water to put the fire out
6) newspaper
7) video camera
8) tri pod
9) a torch
Costume/ props
In our film we used a shovel as a prop. We used the shovel to make the audience think that we had dug a hole to bury the doll. We also used the shovel to create a mysterious and tense atmosphere so that the audience want to watch on. A shovel is also commonly used in thriller films and so we decided to also use a shovel so that the audience already get a sense that the film will be a thriller.
We used a shoe box in our opening as we needed something to put the doll in . We also needed something to put the doll in that would burn so that we can clearly show the box burning in our opening. we decided that the doll should be put into something that burns, so that the audience get a sense of tension and suspense.
Our main prop for the opening of the film was a china doll. We used this china doll to create mystery and suspense in the opening of the film. The china doll was also used as many people think that china dolls are scary and creepy, so we decided to put one into our thriller opening.
In the opening of our film, we also used lighters and matches. We used these props to set the shoe box alight so that the audience could clearly see that the doll was being destroyed. We also used matches and lighters to represent the hell that the doll has come from, and now the audience will think that the doll will be returning to hell.
We needed the newspaper and the bottle of water to help to burn the shoe box and then to put the fire out. We also needed the newspaper as the ground was wet when we filmed the opening of the film, therefore we needed it to light the box successfully and to keep the box alight. We needed the bottle of water as we filmed the opening in a field where there is obviously a lot of grass. This means that the fire from the box could spread very easily so we had to take extra care when filming.

The main character in the opening of the film is wearing dull, colourless clothes to create the tone of the rest of the film. The dullness and colourless clothes create the tone that the film is a dark thriller. We also made the main character wear dull, dark clothes as this character is tired of feeling stressed and fearful of the china doll. The clothes are also quite loose on the character showing that the character may be run down and worn out, just like the clothes that she is wearing. The main character is wearing clothes that are dark colours like black and grey. These are 'cold' colours that are normally worn in the winter, which shows that the film is going to be a thriller that is chilling and gives the audience a sense of fear and suspense.
Costume/ props

Our main prop for the opening of the film was a china doll. We used this china doll to create mystery and suspense in the opening of the film. The china doll was also used as many people think that china dolls are scary and creepy, so we decided to put one into our thriller opening.

The main character in the opening of the film is wearing dull, colourless clothes to create the tone of the rest of the film. The dullness and colourless clothes create the tone that the film is a dark thriller. We also made the main character wear dull, dark clothes as this character is tired of feeling stressed and fearful of the china doll. The clothes are also quite loose on the character showing that the character may be run down and worn out, just like the clothes that she is wearing. The main character is wearing clothes that are dark colours like black and grey. These are 'cold' colours that are normally worn in the winter, which shows that the film is going to be a thriller that is chilling and gives the audience a sense of fear and suspense.
This was the original casting team, but as the film developed and as we began to edit the opening we decided to cut all the characters apart from our main one. We based this decision on that it created an atmosphere where the viewer seems isolated and alone which helps them to experience the same emotions as the character.
Our main character, from the original story board. She played the part of a troubled teen that has had a rough past and is somehow linked to the doll.
Kerry McGranaghan-
Director. And also an actress in the original script until it was changed.
Katherine Street- Producer and actress in first draft.
Lisa Carter- actress in the first draft
About our character
Redpath plays the part Jade Hooban,
Gender: female
Age: 18
Ethnicity: White British
Job: Student
From the opening she she is alone, though out the whole opening she is completely by her self. The audience should be able to see that there is something ominous about this character through our use of no dialog and not a lot of facial expressions or interactions. We see her in casual clothing which is slung round her loosely this represents she is exhausted but the audience doesn't know why yet. We created this persona because we hope that the audience will find something unique about this character, something they can relate too whether it is her age, or class
When deciding on our audio we tried soft wears such a s GARAGE BAND that allows you to create your own music, however we couldn't create the right effect, so we found our audio from a copy right free source.
The one on the right is the lullaby that is played through the most part of the film. We love the sinister and eerie atmosphere it creates and think it compliments our film well, the influence of having the repeated soft drowning "lalala's" lulls the audience in to a false sense of security.
1st film draft
We hadn't put the credits in yet
Some scenes were too dark
It was too long
Unnecessary shots
FINAL FILM finished project